This may be difficult to believe, but I am writing to you from 10 years in the future. To complicate matters, the calamity I speak of does not take place in your time. You see, the London we know and love has been thrown into absolute chaos. It says:įuture Luke writing a letter to the present Professor Layton and Luke. Apparently it is from the Future Luke Triton.

Professor Layton and his apprentice Luke are sitting on a bus, chatting about a letter that Layton had received recently. Prologue: The Clock Shop on Midland Road Mysteries Main article: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future/Mysteries Plot Chapter 9: The Master of the Towering Pagoda.Prologue: The Clock Shop on Midland Road.The map now has an arrow icon to show where you have to go next.Some Mysteries now have a "whole story", which adds more info after they have already been solved.Puzzle battles, which are unique to Unwound Future.Some Plot important puzzles have a slightly different music.Puzzles now have a fourth "Super" hint, which costs 2 hint coins.There is also a memo button in the trunk, for notes that aren't related to puzzles.The memo feature has been expanded: you can now use multiple colors and pencil sizes.4.14 Chapter 13: The Stronghold of Madness.4.12 Chapter 11: The Time Machine Facility.4.10 Chapter 9: The Master of the Towering Pagoda.4.1 Prologue: The Clock Shop on Midland Road.16 and 48, and using a quarter + dotted eighth rest in m. Show rests for each beat in this piece - so that means using two quarter rests instead of a half rest in m.

46 should use Bb as the bass and Bb minor for the chords.

Don't change keys - keep the entire sheet in Eb minor (6 flats). 24 should have F, not Gb, on the bottom of the chords. Remove the courtesy flat on the Eb in m.

Give it another look throughout the sheet first, and I can help make specific suggestions or adjustments later. In general, many of the tied notes don't need to be tied. The pitches are all correct, but some notes are held longer than they be should - for example in measure 11 the Eb on beat 2 shouldn't be tied to another note. Overall, run through the sheet and check the note durations of the right hand melody. Without further ado, here's more feedback! Mostly small things, and I can help with editing the files if needed. Not sure what you mean by that, but we have a little more work to do - no huge changes though.